Let us manage of your property so that you can put your mind at rest
Contact us to request a quote for property management.
Yes, you can. You can spend your weekends with your loved ones or just enjoying your favourite activity. You don’t need to go to your property to check if everything is ok and make the required fixes.
At Cresta Property Services Ltd., we will take care of everything. From A to Z. Just give us the keys to your property and we will manage it, like it was our own home.
This is how we will take care of your property
Your property will always be well-maintained. We will visit the property on a regular basis when nobody is there, and inspect it thoroughly to see if there is anything that needs to be fixed – furniture, fittings, appliances, etc.
Also, we will open the windows to let in fresh air and open the taps to ensure that the pipes are in good working order.
If, during our inspection, we notice any damage to the property, fixtures, fittings or furniture, we will instantly take action to solve the problem.
Whether it is an emergency or a routine repair, you want to make sure there will always be someone there to save the day.
A clean property, with food and essentials in the cupboards. That’s how you will find your holiday home when you arrive, so you can make the most out of your vacation.
On a regular basis, a member of our team of professionals will pop by to dust, clean and remove cobwebs, as required, to guarantee the proper upkeep of your home.
And if your property has outdoor space, such as a decking area, swimming pool or gardens, we will also take care of them. We don’t want the Maltese weather to damage your valuable outdoor space.
Contact us to request a quote for property management.